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Service: Remote Nutrition, Health and Performance Support

Writer's picture: Neil LivemoreNeil Livemore

Updated: Aug 12, 2024

Neil Livemore Consulting Logo
Remote Support Conference Office
Elite Online Support Hub

Our remote nutrition support via video and smartphone app has been developed to give you access to an expert consultant anytime and anywhere in the world.

Dynamic feedback, accountability and confidence.

During these challenging times, having a consultant at your fingertips is more beneficial than ever. Most of our lives are dynamic and changing as we gradually return to what feels like a more typical daily routine.

Whether a busy executive, an athlete travelling abroad to unfamiliar locations, or a person who wants active feedback and support, changes in our lifestyles can cause bumps in the road for general well-being, health, function, and performance.

Its common knowledge a balanced diet, with correctly balanced physical activity, stress management, and sleep hygiene, will minimise our risk of illness and injury. However, these alterations to our routines and increased isolation can lead to an array of changes, constraints and barriers.

Changes in lifestyle, travel or lockdown restrictions may mean:

  • Changes to diet

  • Changes to accessible food

  • Changes in activity

  • Changes in exercise or training (facilities and available equipment)

  • Changes in routine (unaccustomed routine/schedule)

  • Changes in mood and psychological stress

  • Changes to sun exposure

  • Changes in sleep patterns/hygiene

  • Changes in environment

  • Changes in support network

  • Changes in daily habits

All these will impact our “dials” of activity, nutrition, essential nutrients, sleep and more to manage nutrition, health, immunity, performance and function, in addition these changes will impact sustainability and habits.

Athletes and people alike can make small sensible adjustments to maintain health immunity and function, to combat potential muscle, bone, ligament and tendon decreases in performance, and minimise risk of injury before and during the return of play.

The general person can make small changes and habits over time that accumulate to a significant impact to (but not limited to) long term health, function, immunity, weight management mood and performance.

Nutrition Support Phone App
Smart phone support app
Example educational resource
Resource: Example educational infographic
Front cover of performance recipe book
Resource: High-Performance Recipe Book

Our remote process.

Our goal orientated bespoke online support process has been refined over many years to help athletes, corporate professionals and the person take control with an expert consultant at your fingertips.

Together, create your development process to remove barriers and apply meaningful changes with maximum efficiency to minimise stress and reach the goals necessary to you in line with your current goals, preferences and demands of daily life.

The support process is created each the person's needs and delivered by a combination of multiple methods depending on the client’s preference:

  • Video call

  • Private smart phone app

  • E-mail

  • Text

  • Phone

Together through advanced analysis of lifestyle, health and performance areas we optimise your nutrition, health, immunity, performance, wellbeing and build self-sufficiency for your continued future successes.

Nutrition analysis report
Example: Dietary analysis (2 of 6 pages)
HRV Lifestyle Report
Example: Sleep, stress, recovery & activity analysis

For more information on how we can help you contact us below using the I want to optise nutrition health and performance form.


How can we help support your goals?

  • Individual consultancy

  • Nutritional support and development process

  • Assessments

  • Physiological testing

  • Team support

  • Team education

  • Mentoring

Interested in our primary services?

Use the contact form below to request more information or arrange a free phone call to discuss your needs.


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