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Case Studies
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Our expert team of consultants have extensive experience supporting both general populations and elite sport at the highest level. Find out how:
Corporate director (male) and cyclist
After visiting our London-based sports nutrition and performance clinic for physiological testing from abroad, strategies were integrated remotely, including strength and conditioning, health-focused nutrition, and sports nutrition strategies. Key strategies were to enhance health and performance, significantly reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and improve subjective well-being markers across the board.
Corporate worker (female) and mother of two
Overcame a history of strict dieting, excessive exercise and injury, managed to lose weight by switching to sensible strategies that integrated with family life, using light exercise and still enjoying social occasions.
World-level figure skater
Achieved their target goal of reducing 10kg of mass (planned as part fat, part muscle) in 12 weeks during their off-season to fit the ideal profile of a world-level figure skating competitor.