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Week Nutrition, Health & High-Performance Process

Writer's picture: Neil LivemoreNeil Livemore

This goal orientated bespoke process - with an expert consultant at your fingertips - supports your individual goals, preferences and demands of daily life. Together, remove barriers and apply meaningful changes with maximum efficiency to minimise stress and reach the goals important to you. We optimise your health, performance, wellbeing and build self-sufficiency for your continued future successes.


Analysis of your needs This is where we set up your profile in our private hub and learn what makes you tick, your history, your goals and barriers to reaching them via our comprehensive screening process. 2


Advanced physiological assessments (relevant to each client’s needs).

Testing provides an indispensable window to inform nutrition, lifestyle, wellbeing and performance recommendations individual to you. 3 Analysis of initial information and assessment results,

We find the areas that can be improved relative to your goals and what will make the biggest impact, in the most efficient way with the least stress for longterm sustainable change. 4 Primary Process

A mix of daily support (via private software, phone, email) and appointments (phone, video or 1-2-1) where we apply gradual changes in the correct places that maximise efficiency, minimise stress and accumulate to a significant (and sustainable) impact towards your desired goals and around the demands of your daily life.

Areas of focus can be nutrition for health or elite performance, stress, sleep quality, recovery, energy, mood, immunity, activity fitness, habits and more. (we often reassess to monitor and refine as you evolve) 5 End result

You will have reached your goals - or be on track with the correct tools in place if they are long-term targets, You will have positive habits and effective processes in place, and knowledge of what does and does not work for you for continued progress and self-sufficiency.

You will be a healthier and higher performing person.

If you are an athlete who wants to optimize nutrition and performance or the person who wants to live a healthier and higher-performing lifestyle click here and enter your details to find out how we can help optimize your nutrition, health, and performance; and lay the foundations of future success.


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